Libby’s work has appeared in the Homer News, Homer Tribune, Alaska Coast Magazine, The Cipher, the CC Bulletin, The Leviathan, and elsewhere, offline.

Her nonfiction essay “Homage to a Halibut Eye” was the first-place winner of the 2023 The Moth Nature Writing Prize, published in the Irish Times on December 28, 2023.

Kathleen Jamie, poet and essayist says about Libby’s piece: “This short story is revolting in its smells and its heat and fishy gore. A different sort of nature writing, literally visceral, it doesn’t tell us what to think but manages easily to horrify us with lived experience and first-hand knowledge of what we’re doing to the oceans. With a black humour, quick-fire dialogue and descriptions, and two characters trying to make some sort of spiritual sense of the world they are enmeshed in, if it doesn’t make you pause and consider what you’re eating and where it came from, nothing will.”

More press about The Moth Nature Writing Prize at The Bookseller, the Homer News and in the Irish Times.


Read “Plantsicles,” winner of an honorable mention in the 2009 Homer News Writing Contest.

Read “Breasts on the West Buttress,” published in various mediums since 2006.