Libby B Bushell is an author and wildlife guide, specializing in the Coastal Alaskan Brown Bear and the Emperor Penguin of Antarctica. Between seasons, she writes about nature and people: same, same.

Libby B’s essay, “Homage to a Halibut Eye” won The Moth Nature Writing Prize in 2023, published in the Irish Times. Her latest essay, “The Augustine Dream” is featured in issue 161 of Backcountry Magazine, published in February, 2025.

Libby is the founder of HoWL, a wilderness expedition camp for kids based out of Homer, Alaska. She serves on HoWL’s board of directors.

Her first novel, Salty, is a work of fiction about women so crazy, they actually believe they can save the glaciers. It is nearly out for query.

Say hi.

-March, 2025